About us

Rainbow Child Foundation is a non-profit charity (Registry No 1158348) that prides itself on helping underprivileged children around the world. We reached 100000 children & their families in thirteen years by providing schools with play pumps, sanitation, farm seeds bank and HIV awareness programs.

We extended our aid to orphanages in Morocco and helped the Syrian and the Burma Rohingya Children refugees. We are also proud to have supported the many great causes around the world by building 50 water pumps in Pakistan as well as working alongside the lighthouse community to build water wells in Somalia while constructing a soup kitchen and feeding programs in Malawi.

We are proud to recently support UK charities such as Noah’s Ark children’s hospice and the Sanctus charity feeding programme in Chelmsford as well as individuals for special orthopaedic treatments and the Rhys Daniels Trust and the Hearing Fund.

As some of you might know our patron “Chico” suffered a major stroke last year but still went ahead with his fund raiser ball only one week after coming out of hospital supporting the James Bulger Trust and balls to cancer.

2020 is gearing up to be a very different year because Chico knew Caroline Flack and her suicide has devastated him and shocked the nation as all of it could have all avoided.

We don’t want her to die in vain therefore Chico is in the process of writing a charity song called “Tunnel” inspired by her tragedy and our focus in 2020 will be all things mental illness.

This is a 21st century epidemic that can affect anyone of us, so we will be reaching out to those who need our help and those who are suffering in silence.

Please watch all the videos below to see what we have done so far and we.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank everybody involved in making Rainbow Child Foundation what it is today because we couldn’t have done it without you.

Please help us to help others by donating here.


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